About Charles

Charles S. Spath, Jr., P.L.S.

Charles Spath, Jr. is a member managing partner of Stuart Somers Co., LLC, located at 1211 Main Street South, Southbury CT. Charles Spath, Jr. took over the business after the retirement of Stuart Somers in 1999 and has managed all aspects of company operations since and possesses all of Mr. Somers engineering surveying records.

Charles previously worked at Spath-Bjorklund Associates in Monroe, CT from 1981 to 1999 managing daily surveying operations from 1992 to 1999, Charles is a licensed land surveyor in the State of Connecticut, and has over twenty-five years of professional experience in land surveying, site planning, and permitting. Charles is highly experienced in all aspects of subdivision and site design, boundary control, topographic surveying, construction stakeout, and route location. He is also well-versed in the use and application of various global positioning systems. Charlie’s extensive land use experience makes him the person to go to when seeking creative solutions to the development of difficult sites in particular, or problem areas lacking in historic monumention for surveys.

Charles is a long-standing member of the Connecticut Association of Land Surveyors, a member of the “National Society of Professional Surveyors”, and also the “American Congress on Surveying and Mapping”.